Meet Julia



Girl’s Girl

More about the Girl

behind the Diary

Hi! I’m Julia, but my closest friends call me Ju. I’m sure you clicked on this page because you want to learn a little bit more about me!

I am a millennial from Detroit that graduated (twice) from Howard University. I went to school for education and was a teacher before I pivoted to the non-profit world. I’ve worked as a director at two non-profits since 2019. In my free time I love to write (which is how we got here haha), read, binge Netflix, spend time with my friends and family, do yoga, and pretend like I’m Beyoncé.

So, I mentioned I love to write. I am BIG on journaling. I started to journal in 2014 as I was graduating from Howard and navigating a really rough break up. I used my journal time as a form of prayer. It brought me closer to God and became a habit that I have continued to implement in my daily routine nearly 10 years later. Sometimes when I felt stuck or lost, I’d look back to my old journal entries to see how far I’ve come. I realized that I wasn’t going through these experiences/lessons for myself, but to, hopefully, be a blessing/encouragement to others.

I started this blog in 2018 as a mid 20-something girl living in Atlanta. It was a fun project that allowed me to express myself outside of my 9-5. But, I wasn’t very consistent and when the pandemic hit, I just gave up blogging all together. It was everything I could to keep myself together, let alone a blog chile. Between 2021-2023 I experienced a LOT of growing pains, including entering a new decade. (30, Flirty, and Thriving!)

This growth prompted my desire to bring my blog back, especially because so many of the things that I went through as I entered by 30s, were things people usually don’t like to talk about. I know it can be scary starting over. It feels VERY vulnerable to admit that you got your heart broken or had to pivot in your career. It can feel stigmatizing to publicly discuss depression and anxiety. BUT, I think it’s super important to talk about the hard things. To share the struggles.

Because life is already SO hard. But, it feels easier when you know you’re not going through it alone. And when you realize that you’re not the only one going through whatever you’re going through.

So this blog is for the young women, particularly women of color, that are looking for community. Women that want to learn new things about navigating their career, taking care of themselves, and prioritizing their joy. This blog is for women that aren’t afraid of a pivot or a pause. This blog is for courageous women that want to try new things. If you are that kind of woman…welcome sis! I hope you stay for a while and enjoy :)

A few of my faves

Join the girl gang!

Do we have a ton of things in common and could be besties? Are you a girl that loves to read? Are you looking for a safe space for self expression? Or are you curious and want to step outside of your comfort zone and make new friends? (It’s hard as an adult right?!)

Click to learn about our women’s small groups and book club options! (Virtual and In-Person!)