Solo Female Travel Tips

I think the hardest part about taking your first solo trip is making the decision to take the plunge. Seriously. Conquering that fear and believing that you can do it is the very first step! 

This blog is intended to serve as a guide for all the girlies that want to take their first solo trip and don’t know where to begin. 

Step 1: BELIEVE that you can do it! 

Whenever I would see people solo traveling, my first thought would be “Well THEY can do that without fear because they’re a man.” And then if I saw a woman solo traveling I would think “They’re lucky nothing happened to them! It’ll be just my luck that I end up on a milk carton.” I had to get over that deficit thinking. While it’s important to be honest with the dangers of traveling somewhere unfamiliar on your own, it’s equally important to be positive and hope for the best and prepare for all outcomes. 

The preparation piece is HUGE. You can significantly lower the risk of solo travel by taking precautions and planning and preparing in advance for your trip. And once you implement these tips- you’ll feel so prepared and confident that you can conquer the world! 

Step 2: Get familiar with doing things alone! 

Taking a solo trip when you’ve NEVER done anything alone is a big leap! I’d recommend starting small. Go out to eat on your own, go to a concert by yourself, or see a movie solo! The goal is to enjoy your own company. You’ll spend the majority of your time alone on your trip, so it’s important that you learn to entertain and enjoy yourself. 

Once you get comfortable with spending time alone…it’s time to take the next big step: a solo staycation. Most people recommend trying this out to see how you like traveling on your own. This can be a hotel in your city, a road trip to the next state over, or a domestic trip across the country. Disclaimer: I did NOT try this for myself, I just took the plunge. Lol BUT, I wish that I did. 


Did I mention you need to do your research? If you’re anything like me and struggle with anxiety, making sure you research thoroughly before your trip is one of the best ways to alleviate travel anxiety and feel more confident in your plans. 

Here’s how I researched: 

  • Look up Google Reviews for the hotels you’re interested in. Make sure they mention safety. 

  • Search the internet (I used Tik Tok) for the best solo travel destinations for women. (And then search for the safest solo travel hotels/resorts for women).

  • Look up solo travel safety tips- best apps, safety tools and self-defense devices, etc. 

  • Look up local transportation- what time does public transportation end? Which routes should you take? Which taxi companies are reputable? 

Step 4: Safety First  

  • I know we are a social media generation, but please wait to post. And if you are going to post your travels, wait to post a geotag until you leave your location. You never know who may be watching. 

  • Take a picture of your passport and ID and keep it in your phone. You may also want to email yourself a copy or upload it to a google drive just in case you lose your phone AND your passport. 

  • Share your location with family and friends. My best friends, partner, and family have my location at all times. But, for my solo travel I took it a step further by creating a shared note that included my boarding passes, hotel reservations, contact numbers to the hotel, my daily itinerary, and airbnb experience bookings. 

  • When you’re exploring your new destination: DON’T tell people you are traveling alone. If they ask, you can say you’re with friends, family, or a partner. Tell them they’re waiting at the hotel. Tell them whatever you need to do to ensure that you feel safe. If you meet other young women that are solo traveling, use your discernment when sharing that you are also alone. 

  • GET. TRAVEL. INSURANCE. - I didn’t do this and am STILL trying to get reimbursed for lost luggage THREE months ago. Seriously. Get travel insurance. 

  • Also, GET AN AIRTAG. Being able to track my lost luggage brought me so much comfort. 

  • Don’t let your phone die! Get a portable charger or two. You don’t want to be stranded in a new location without a working phone. 

  • And speaking of a working phone…If you have an Iphone 13 or less…get a sim card. I, unfortunately, upgraded to an Iphone 14 before my trip and they don’t have a SIM card anymore. Thanks Apple =/ Fortunately, I have T-mobile and they have an incredible international data plan. Whichever option you choose, make sure you have data. 

  • Order safety travel tools- I ordered a door stopper and a portable door lock for my hotel, a portable alarm, an RFID Passport cover, and mace (make sure your location allows it). 

5. Make some friends!!

When Drake said “No new friends” he was not talking to you boo! If you are taking your first solo trip, you will want to make some new friends to keep you company on your travels! 

You don’t have to hang with them every day, but it will feel nice to have a few meals with another human being. 

I made most of my travel friends on the fly- talking to strangers lol. BUT,  there’s an easier way! 

  • Join a Facebook group for young solo female travelers

  • Join a group me for young Black travelers (I’m in a few)

  • Follow Black travel IG pages and connect with people in the comments,

  • Join a travel group on their next adventure! 

Now that you have some tips on planning your first solo vacation, get out there and go exploring!  

If you do take your first solo trip, PLEASE make sure to tell me all about it! Seriously, I want all the deets! 

Remember, solo traveling is one of the most empowering things you can do as a woman. The only thing keeping you from making memories that last a lifetime, is you. Find the confidence, take the leap, chase your dreams! 


Eat, Pray, Love: My solo travel adventures in Asia part 3